
Reasons to Contact Us

The fingerprints are taken by highly trained professionals with Latest live scan technology and traditional ink fingerprinting.

Professional Services

Get your fingerprints taken by our experienced and trained professionals. We record the best quality fingerprints and ensure their acceptance by the concerned authorities in the US, Canada, Singapore, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, Hong Kong, Australia and the other law enforcement agencies.

Full Package Services

We also offer one stop full package services for obtaining certified criminal RCMP clearance from Canada, Identity History Summary Check from the US, Good Conduct Certificate from Dubai, COC Singapore, PCC Bahrain, CNCC Hong Kong, PCC UK, PCC Australia, PCC Qatar, PCC Kuwait and PCC Maldives etc.

We Make it Simple

Get in touch with us with the complete document checklist as advised by us. We have the necessary fingerprint and application forms for obtaining Police Clearance Certificate available with us. No hassles.

Low Price

We offer both live scan and Ink & Roll fingerprinting services at a low price. We also offer group discounts. Feel free to call us at 9643014524 or send an email for details.

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